“Fashion is the armor to survive the reality of everyday life.”

The Met Costume Gala 2024

So pleased I met Bill Cunningham, however briefly. He was real, the world real, what he did real and not remotely removed. Fashion, architecture, the arts can seem so that way so in our ever troubled world. Then a genius like John Galliano gets deep in shit when he’s overworked, over pilled, drunk. Those substances do not reveal human truth. Fallacy. Those substances certainly can create ugliness yet no insight into one’s human soul. The insight now is more than ever that words are just words. They can be scarring and beautiful. And when they are the former of course should be called out. But context is always everything. And the context of a person paramount. 

I still don’t believe composer Richard Wagner was anti-Semitic. History declares proof of this citing not one but the second pamphlet years later. Greedy, privileged, ignorant people angered him failing to understand and support his vision. He happened to hit on the Jews as many have down, alas over the centuries. His music, however, full to the brim believing in a better world, compassion, liberation, unity not division. It would be unconscionable for Daniel Barenboim to conduct the music of anyone who disseminated hatred.  If substances are supposed to unleash one’s true inner being then surely there’d be proof of this hatred in music. There is none. It’s impossible to write hateful music. At least that anyone wants to hear. Shostakovich was angry as’f***’!  So much beauty even in despair. Great rap music is akin Shostakovich; whose ears ever want ever be pummeled with anger, spite, hatred? 

Well, the Robins have fledged. Or died. Just a tiny fleck of blue eggshell fallen behind on the branch. The nest cleaner than an Airbnb! At the risk of sounding like all those ‘friends’ pummeling one with newborn baby photos: that’s great, obviously means more to you than us. No offense. We just had a miscarriage. We can’t even get now an abortion no angst. 

Let’s focus instead on American Robin the ceramicist! As if the nest were on an avian potters wheel. The nest rim exquisitely mudded. Sealed. Skein of nylon thread initial inspiration. Why are most humans so useless unable to do even that! 

While the final glimmer of light sped away, the Countess raised her palms to the air, as if releasing an invisible bird, then in a final access of courage put her hands in her husband’s, her smile as radiant as the vanished flower.

KITTY’s Saturday Night Movie and ANDREW’s Weird Wednesday Movie. Who knew ‘cat years’ could spell trouble.

Meet Stan Herman, elder statesman of American fashion

Brilliant Adventures always ahead of its time. [disclaimer: no holes were dug for this reportage. Only your own grave for no belief.]

At least still there’s a daily life in war-torn Ukraine unlike…

Can movies ever heal? Always advocated yes, strangely. If not heal then remind one of being human, whether it be Ken Loach’s biting bitter sweet non-sardonic reality or Quentin Dupieux’ surrealist woke nudge or Nuri Bilge Ceylan’s defiant gaze. And don’t knock Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning keeping one awake after the daily ‘round and allowing a good night’s sleep. Maybe. And scarily ahead of its time. Just kidding! How could all that possibly be true?!

Not even the great beanstalk John Oliver [no relation to Cromwell, Oliver Twist, maybe, debatable], could ruin our memory of SHUCKED the Broadway musical. Prescient!!!  This year’s Tony’s have a lot past chewy! 

And now one for the great Greta Gerwig:

Quelles surprise, we’re not huge social media followers here. Not all Cats of Instagram; some of us purr privately and provocatively! But all ‘deep dark garden power’ to Emma Chamberlain and her exquisite collaborative Met Gala choices. Not salivating haute couture and a meaning of life after this, well at least we tried.

The Wollemi pine, the only tree still alive dinosaurs would have seen.

Did you know that bees play soccer? Well, some bees do roll balls around as play. It’s been proven! Nothing made up on this website:)

An important interview. Everything explicit and/or implicit. Mr. Kevin Spacey more forgiving than others who might wish for human piñatas: lies beaten to a sweet pulp[or is it that forgiveness is kinda Hollywood and corporate finance contractual]. Ah, social media and public opinion. So-so impartial. Indeed the world still needs more Kirk Douglas, then as even now.


Posted on May 6, 2024 .