Kittens for Kirk and Kulture

Hi I'm Kitty and I'm an…hmmm

Ummmm….Animal Rehab isn't so bad. I recently made friends with a ferret. Of all….I just read something that Andrew my teacher wrote on those strange alien devices. There's a very smart chimp who (oh we aren't allowed to tell) mummm…

Anycat, there was a word on there that I know: commotion. I have trouble with some letters but I ink I'm in good company because so do/did the cows and Mr. Moo.

And some lemurs dropped some books to us here. There was a note: Hey Kit Kit don't know what your 'boyfriend' and those other crazy creatures think but we don't 'hang' with our tails man. Drop dead! Ha ha The Lemurs!

I keep telling them 'he's' not my boyfriend but they don't listen. He's human. How could he be…

So there was a book Aristotle for Lemurs (mmmmme…who writes a book for Aristotle? guess I shouldn't ask such philisifcosical questions. And one called Commution. Well, I not a very good reader. And it's in human language. But I purred at almost everything.

I know now I shouldn't trust everybody but that doesn't mean there can't be commution. I've been very lucky to ride in cars and trains and even a big human thing flying in the sky. (Lots of cream up there). And I saw how lucky I was to not suffer like many other animals. And humans. Now I know that commution is not about taking anything away but allowing things to be found. To be patted. To be whispered. Like me and the ferret found each other. Found different ways to see what's around us.

There's an old blind cat here, I wonder if he knows about commotion.

I think commution can sometimes be bad. Like those dogs just used me to get into the Best in Show. They didn't care about cats. Or the squirrels. Or…Just pretended.

Starting to feel a bit 'furball' think about all of this. So glad I didn't just end up sleeping on the sofa all day. That's bad commotion isn't it? Like the boyfriend of my friend's owner…oh Kitty in trouble again.


[The suicide rate for ex-servicemen in Australia is nearly 20% higher than the national average, while ex-servicewomen are twice as likely to take their own lives compared with other Australian women.]

In a disused room of the animal sanctuary-upturned litter trays, furniture, cages even a plaster statue of Jesus-a blind black tomcat sits and sleeps in the windowsill. Rumor has it he has been there for decades. And rumor has it that the one animal he befriended was so excited at his new life that he jumped out of human arms and got killed by a car. A street always so quiet.


Posted on February 5, 2020 .