If all else perished…the universe would turn to a mighty stranger.



…..coming soon to a Creature Channel near YOUUUUU!

Check out London’s National Theatre at home and buy a subscription! I know they’re subsidized and all but…If you get through that lot on a free whatever let me know! Don’t think I can. There is so much great stuff there. Ah: the rub. Choice is yours (bit of scrolling and investigation involved or you miss out, but such is life).

Not wishing to be I’m-purrtinent, but why is it so hard to find Santa Inc. on the HBO website? Shouldn’t it be right alongside Succession? Like, a bunch of crazy Jews write a Santa Claus succession animation, you’d think…and doesn’t that voice sound like ‘Greg the Egg’, OMG it is Nicholas Braun. See, we all knew he was Sat…a force with which to be reckoned. All a dark mind fuck! A puppet show with loads a’ Jack jingle jangle. Maybe I should just piss on my technology and move to what is left of the North Pole. And enjoy. Or is that South. Never, ever had a good sense of direction;)!

Always heartening when smart actors option material they just know will work for them. Kaley Cuoco, The Flight Attendant, debuted last year with a second season airing this Spring. Totally nails the black comedic tone and totally wanna read Chris Bohjalian's source novel to see how they did it! Great opening credit graphics, a potent scent of all those Hitchcocky, Kojaky, Jingle Jacky, Columboy spills and thrills of the 70's beyond before!

Former addict Zach Skow on his Pawsitive Change Program.

Posted on December 13, 2021 .