Finishing the Cat

Kitty: You think Maestro Sondheim would mind if I changed just a consonant in Finishing the Hat for my tour next year? I've done a lot of Cat-olick research on this and I'm sure Seurat was finishing a noir chat not a chien. Looks exactly like a cat! And historically…
Andrew: Only Mr. Sondheim was composing a ‘hat’ not a ‘cat’! Though, I think he'd be very delighted your remote art studies learning paid off.
3pm live Friday June 12 (streaming thereafter)

Some unmissable Anna Deavere Smith available:
Texas-based ZACH Theatre: Notes From the Field, filmed live at the venue in 2019. (Available only through Sunday, June 14, at midnight.)

Twilight: Los Angeles (streams through August 7)

NBC's 2015 television broadcast of The Wiz Live! will stream for free this weekend on The Shows Must Go On Youtube page.

Kitty: They didn't use my research;(
Andrew: They sent a lovely email saying how much they appreciated your input.
Kitty: But they have loads of time, it's the cat-net!
Andrew: Yes, but some of it's live, and Melissa Errico has to go and make dinner for all her children.
Kitty: You're just being nice aren't you. [Andrew about to interrupt] I'm not a very good cat-ch am I. [pause] I can't cook.
Andrew: You have many, many other redeeming qualities though Kit.
Kitty: I watch some intercat. Can't see Kitty opening Le Chat Bleu and charging $82 for two erect lettuce leaves on a plate with fish-bone whiskers either side!
Andrew: LOL. I can't cook either. I can barely work a microwave. I do quite a good stir-fry sometimes. Maybe I can work up a salmon recipe for you.
Kitty: [appreciative look]
Andrew: There's a new musical you'd love, Six. I'll show you the clip on movie night. It didn't get to open on Broadway. Oh, and there's Katrina your Cat. And a crazy, great version of The Wizard of Oz.
Kitty: [looks all excited and confident, again]
Andrew: so you just keep practicing!
Kitty: [a bit obstinate] My ideas about Finishing the Hat make perfect sense, though. That's what cats do. Consider and meditate on the window and the sky. We saw Wendy Whelan's cat doing just that right in front of our eyes.

t'b' c"t

Posted on June 12, 2020 .