innocent when: dream....

Caught the tail end Obama's first press conference since imminent 'Trump-dom', and then re-played.

I am really not a political animal. And what annoyed (euphemism) about most artists (and comedians) is that they lampooned the image of Trump in the last year but rarely why he was so so popular. Well: you forever 4-clover years more  'Trump-doomed';) 

It is fff'g hard to make fun of President Obama! I mean you are really scraping the barrel. Ok: maybe mermaid jokes etc etc but...Or am I just a pussy: worth no more than millions of hits upon my 'kittydom' demeanor?

A 'friend' told me he was so !!!! he was watching Animal Planet in * hotel rooms throughout the world when not working. No bad thing....But you know: I get so so bored 'watching' politics'. But Obama I could watch all day long like Animal Planet and learn something!:)

And I wanted to be smart and quote a 'democracy' quote. But almost everything you read is totally true in one way shape or form.

Tom Waits - Letterman 12-21-83

Tom Waits - Innocent When You Dream

I know the yin/yang of the world encourages us to struggle and overcome. THAT I do not and never have believed in.  (Spoke as one who, relatively arguably, has done exactly that.) Why should so many humans have to struggle and be downtrodden. Why should a working class hero such as Willy Loman toil his entire life and feel that suicide is his only option. THAT is so much of the world. And I believe any world, alas. 

Kudo and the Two Strings is a wondrous animated tale objectifying that without 'real' human reality. It is Spielberg with Spielberg (and I guess no apologies from anyone only respect). From Oregon-based animation house Laika: CoralineParaNorman and The Boxtrolls.

But it is more importantly a sensibility still somewhat lacking in American cinema. (I wouldn’t criticize Disney et al for this: I totally believe they are trying to re-imagine their worlds). Sure that we hear.

And for all those dying elephants in the China room: here's a song for YOU.

Cafe Society...



Posted on November 14, 2016 .