Elle a les yeux, PAW PAW POW...!

It’s a ‘cat years thing’.  Be nice!

The new Presidential nominee…That’s politics! Dirty laundry…Whoash. Whoash. Whoash. [I’ve been asked not to do that again, Marcel, but in the words of a master: Jesus Christ is it fun!

KITTY sightreads…

KITTY's video of the month

US Surgeon General Vivek Murthy recounts bout of profound loneliness

Please read this book!

There’s ‘cat-cam’ and ‘cock-cam’ ;) Is this a desperate attempt to film inside the Met Museum Gala? Or simply a lonely soul who lost their ‘escort’? Mehitabel, where art thou?!! Or is Prince Harry up to old tricks again for better lodgings:) Malibu’s falling into the sea. Give the guy a break!

Stay tuned on The Creature Channel. 

Wasn’t me Anna, promise. I did not have couturial relations with this creature in the garment district !

And Archy. Crawling soon onto Broadway.

Ms Chita. Almost on my erotic door stop the other night. Dispiace eternal. Totally forgot. How is darling Seth always …the audience..don’t finish that sentenceKITTY wasn’t sneaking in without paying was she? She so adores West Side Story. Sure as sure Mr. Spielberg believed KITTY’s talents way better for another day for the ‘Alley Cat’. 

Falls to sleep with bricks [weighted Lego], upon her. Channeling Iyengar, I believe.

Creatures are so strange aren’t they?

This looks interesting. Hope they film some of it.

Ballerina uses art to express solidarity with Iran protests

Timothy Morton

The Writers’ Strike gives such good excuse not to have to write! Yee-ha! Ya’all TV talk shows have all the time in the world to read Brilliant Adventures, its photos, its videos, its sad forays into human/creature nature. And imbibing KITTY’s Tequila Sunrise -try saying that after sunset-[that thought was thunk pre-strike]. If written in my head does that count? 

Doesn’t stop us from researching now does it John Oliver? Waiting for those email replies from one City Council…

Checking the ATM wondering whether that ‘curry’ went though from last night and is there $20 left for the poor writer’s ‘edibles’. Moral: go to a food bank and get food for thought:) 

Oh: and be a writer. For some strange reason everyone from Presidents to plankton’s in awe, scared of you, or simply sorry. How good does it get? Win win.

KITTY’s Mother’s Day Saturday Night Movie [pre-Writers’ Strike programmed]

Amy Tan: Unintended Memoir

Kangaroos with 4 vaginas- one for you Ellen and Portia:)

Matt Morgan: One Medicine How understanding animals can save our lives

American Museum of Natural History opens stunning new expansion

The Cannes Film Fest now upon us, but who cares? A valid question in this age of streaming and internet self-advocacy. Having been and experienced Cannes in a Palme d’Or award winning film, it is all somewhat a mixed blessing. What film festival isn’t! Cannes is seminal. Cannes is film history. But shouldn’t we move on? Cannes is marketing.

Alas art house cinema, a rather pejorative nomenclature, hasn’t. Rather couldn’t. Not/nor shouldn’t. The indie/experimental still feeding into the cinematic supply chain and sometimes even attaining Oscar recognition. We can now stream ‘indie’ films. There is, however, a wealth of material still not readily available unless you attend a film festival. Or the BFI in London or MoMA in New York or Film at Lincoln Center. Mubi, thank you. It was ever thus. Yet directors like Cassavetes paved a way to the gleam and grit of current streaming . 

The competition at this year’s Cannes Film Fest is phenominal. I had the privilege of thanking Wim Wenders for his movies that gave a hungry cineaste food back in the 80’s. And watching Alexander Kluge again, now, nothing much has changed in that hunger. 

Paris, Texas [1984] 

Frugal cineastes, now, can at least eat. Moderately well.

May ‘the cat’ be with you ‘all! 

In New York this weekend your chance to see actor Udo Kier in person for Anthology’s retrospective.

Opening this weekend at the Quad Cinema, NYC, The Cow Who Sang a Song Into the Future.

Florida panther on the brink of extinction makes a comeback

Martin Scorsese’s 1993 letter to The New York Times:

Not one of Cannes’ foreign films over the decades surely isn’t worth one’s time. They may not change the world or change us. Simply we are reminded what it is to be human. Misanthropes always welcome. A couple of scenes in Nuri Bilge Ceylan’s Uzak are the quintessence of lives lead in “quiet desperation”. The protagonist’s relatively affluent, ordered Instanbul life disrupted by the smelly shoes of his jobless relative houseguest from the provinces. Not patronising. Observant. Some may not find no solace from modern life in the flickering images of Plato’s Cave. Some lead relatively happy existences without, having little spare time for movies. Inevitably, one day the system will fail them. Even so, some will get back up to fight another day. But not all.

Of course, foreign films aren’t foreign to those who speak the language and know the country. The observations of sociologist Erving Goffman are universal. Great film makers -and writers-instinctively hone in on those details to make sense of their world in so doing helping others see they are not alone in their struggle.

It can be a lonely life for a cineaste when few around share such passion. Normality can be pretty lonely too even though the holiday ‘cook out’ was fun and your offspring proved good at something.

And someone clearly hasn’t watched enough movies to understand why French workers are so outraged at the pension age change from 62 to 64. Guess they still have a Beatles song in their head.

Then there is the, well not genre, but the world of Quentin Tarantino and Roger Corman. That discussion is for another day. Suffice: you’re right Mr. Tarantino, ‘guilty pleasure’ is a silly most oft inaccurate phrase. I’ve felt no guilt in watching the Jurassic Park franchise, Tom Cruise movies, Adam Sandler, ‘rom-coms’. Sarah Silverman. Can’t get into ‘horror’ though, maybe ‘cause there’s enough in the real world for me, Get Out. On that note…

British TV celebrity Philip Schofield on his disgrace


Posted on May 1, 2023 .