Andrew's artistic melangerie...


Photo: Andrew Lucre ©2018

the artist formerly known as FURRY QED. 


You can lead humans to a paint tin but you can't....


Wanna hear MY story?! There was a photo shoot and: the kitten was wearing Prada. And somehow, the tabloids screwed it all up and I became 'the kitten reading Pravda. I kept telling them, I am no a .....

They didn't believe me. Blame it all on Putin. Leave the kittens alone, sir. Let alone me....

and I am not Fischli/Weiss stuffed or frozen! I am...but no-one will believe me now....:(

we feel a song comin' on...i say we..there's this vixen chick who was so so cool. Her little brother was reading the Kitten Cookbook. She was well 'pissed'. (How an English fox got here, hmmmm. but anyways...)

I really don't really mind pretending to be a 'kitten'-I almost got drowned last night and I really need this job, Mr. President! Whichever one...








Posted on July 16, 2018 .