To overcome oneself is the greater victory

Millennial mental health issues spike





Vassar’s latest plans for renovations include building a large moat around campus, designed to further isolate the college from the surrounding community. It is expected to be completed by 2025. :))))

Could I be your 'King Arthur'? I can swim, oh, and I slayed the dragons of the 12th dimension at NY University! Those '!!&*^&*' mammals! Mortals need Bill Murray at their side to do that. He just wasn't available, so I did it all myself. And what thanks do it get? Hello?!!!

I can make 'coffee' and 'cocoa' ;()




Pas de deux for Lovers

To wake
and go
would be so simple.

Morning ought not
to be complex.
The sun is a seed
cast at dawn into the long
furrow of history.


how the
first light
makes gold her hair

upon my arm.
How then
shall I leave,
and where away to go. Day
is so deep already with involvement.    
                 Michael Dransfield

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Posted on October 20, 2017 .