raindrops on sofas and kittens in noodles...


You would have liked him
Mama, you would
Mama, he makes things
Mama, they're good
Just as you said from the start
Children and art
Children and art

He should be happy
Mama, he's blue
What do I do?

You should have seen it
It was a sight
Mama, I mean it
All color and light
I don't understand what it was
But, Mama, the things that he does
They twinkle and shimmer and buzz
You would have liked them

Mr. Sondheim- Happy 90th Birthday on Sunday March 22, 2020
we might all get drunk over the weekend in these times and forget, so here's to it now!


Kitty: Who’s to say it isn’t a strange cat in the Seurat painting: Un chat noir étrangeétrange en l’air. …thief Toulouse Toulouse Toulouse-Lautrec!

Photo courtesy: Christie's Henri De Toulouse-Lautrec (1864-1901) Un petit chat (1882)

Photo courtesy: Christie's
Henri De Toulouse-Lautrec (1864-1901)
Un petit chat (1882)

Posted on March 20, 2020 .