Think ahead and listen, MORONS!

Horrific what happened in Pittsburgh. But a little sad that these very devoted Jews didn't want to enjoy the karaoke down the road on a Saturday night ..instead of..I mean Saturday Night Fever with …(well I'm assumed that …my attorney keeps telling me that everything is in Pittsburgh now, and I should just relinquish my millions to him,…

but then he's not Jewish…)

There's the start or whatever of a movie. Right. Am I sounding like Seth Rogan now? No. The finish! Like: I'm not YOUR SETH! Piss off.

Me and Kim are like, we both tag endangered species (even though there are none n …nn)

I am leaping into Sarah Silverman territory here. I would not dare! Nor Colbert, nor Stewart nor ..there's a joke there but I can't…I am just thinking. Something most folk do NEVER want me to do. Except ….losing it…yeah we have the rights to everything now without paying a penny. Good luck with THAT one. !

Catastrophes are always tears, of course. But always a springboard for something more. Like the guy…..who built his house to code PLUS on Mexico Beach….and it's still standin'…!!!

Kinda a Woody Allen movie (I know I should never invoke such name, but his films have saved me from numerous ravenous sidewalks over such years) but what if that uhhmm LeCarre 'CIA' synagogue shooter had walked into an empty uhumm and started shooting and a gorgeous relic from the last century thence fell upon such head and he…

But: we have CNN to keep us real. And Anderson Cooper to keep us..well…hmmm…sane…

Think ahead and listen, MORONS!

As a P.S. on a serious note, it would be very interesting to hear from a forensic psychologist about the man who opened fire in the Pittsburgh synagogue. Was 'Jewish-ness' a scapegoating transference for another anxiety? There are good Jews and bad Jews as all humans. It is utterly despairing that history is starting to repeat itself with anti-Semitism. Hitler rose to power on scapegoating. 'These are the people to blame'. And if they aren't Jews they are migrants and refugees, far easier scapegoats as they are literally from the 'outside'.

And as we all know much TV news (though not Anderson Cooper) is based on the age old premise: if it bleeds it leads.

I've always been fascinated by Wagner's stance (clearly anti-Semitic in his writings) and it wasn't until I moved to New York that I realized how easy it would be for a socialist/creative genius like Wagner to feel that way (let alone with all the conventions of the 1850’s). Composer Meyerbeer (a Jew), who the young Wagner worshiped, was instrumental in helping Wagner get started. But when things went sour Wagner turned on Meyerbeer the Jew. HOWEVER! Not everyone making shit loads of money in America is Jewish. And what is wrong with making money? And not everyone making money is odious and greedy. Just some.

Karl Marx in Das Kapital wasn't necessarily opining against capitalism simply describing the inevitable processes. And it wasn't until a recent new book (Gareth Stedman Jones) Marx, that we learnt that Engels actually crossed out and re-wrote a crucial thought from Das Kapital to mean that capitalism would destroy itself- the seeds of its own destruction. It turns out what Marx actual wrote was that there would inevitably be a 'disruption' or ‘adjustment’- a specific German word. I have the notes somewhere but can't find the bloody thing!

ahhh..found it the ‘Galactic file;)’: Marx says there is a period of instability where capitalism will be shaken erschüttert, and Engels crosses that out (before he publishes the text) and says zusammengebracht (brought about into collapse [togther])

If there is a banality of evil then there is also a banality of 'the system'. Alas, the two often go hand in hand.

btw- did you know that 70% of Icelanders believe in elves (the protectors of children) and only 11% in Christianity…

As a P.S. to all of this:

Is there a way to 'arm' people without firearms? I totally hear the 'mid-West' American voice of we need a way to whack the intruder who clearly means us harm. No disagreement there. What, though, if we had tasers and/or tranquilizer guns instead of bullets? The trouble with firearms is that now, it is as easy to buy as a bottle of Vodka. Lethal results.

You can't interrogate a dead person!

President Trump: why don't you do just one thing in your Presidency to show everyone you are not the fool that they all portray you. Totally reform gun law, yet totally listen and help your voters who think death is the only way forward. There is another way. R U willing to alienate the arms manufacturers? They are the guilty ones in this argument. Water cannon is not water-boarding…



If u r feeling low, I’m not the best ‘guy’ to turn to.:( Perhaps, though, the only one.

I met, once, the great Joshua Logan as a ‘kid’-me not him, of course. When I asked a/maybe the question of him he replied, “believe in your talent and…” I won’t quote the rest.

Posted on October 30, 2018 .