Posts tagged #stars

torn stars...may they be mended?

Dcks dont grow on Trees - Robyn Archer

Robyn Archer-I came to the towns




plus ca change....(of course there are just as many if not more MALE Niagara's...) .   !!


just as a P.S. u think you earn a posting all to yourself! - to say GET REAL counts for nothing anymore....

I have never heard ANY singer like Robyn Archer take on vocal styles so consummately except Cathy Berberian.


Perhaps the saddest most beautiful...




Put high walls around the part of you that dreams



Then place as many cheerful flowers as you can

There where the garden may be sen

Behind the gate, between the bars,

So they may recocognize you this way only.

Where no-one sees it put nothing.


Lay flower beds like those that others lay

And place them where eyes may spot

Your garden as you plan to show it.

But where you dwell and no one ever looks

Let flowers shoot up freely from the ground

And let the grass grow naturally.


Make of yourself a doubly sheltered being,

So no one who looks or tries to see may

Know more than the garden that you are-

A garden private and ostensible,

Behnd which common flowers lightly touch

The grass so spare not even you can spot it …                               Fernando Pessoa

Posted on April 11, 2017 .