They should all ask more questions, said the octopus.

They should all ask more questions, said the octopus, then they might even stumble on some answer.

Do you ask questions? asked Alice. The octopus turned from brown to red. Only when humans have a silly, little beautiful heart like yours, said the octopus.

Oh, so that’s why you danced with me. Alice did a triple summersault whence the octopus lay her across two tentacles whilst gathering the seaweed sleep around her.








This link is not necessarily an easy ‘listen’. As: not neh all animals are cute and cuddly even if one attempts to forge a 'relationship' with them. But it says loads about the state of America. Everyone is entitled to their opinion yet they are dis-enfranchised if their opinion then disrupts the prevailing zeit-bild. No-body wants the ‘truth’ to be told but everyone professes to seek it…and of course opinion ain’t/nor ever was truth. 









Of course: there is a truth yet it is so so relative to the other 'truths'. That one truth can be so unforgivable, however, that other truths will never extinguish such flame. I've wondered whether Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment is about all the eternal lies of our society and Raskolnikov admitting to his crime because of that unbearable burden. I had problems with Denzel Washington's final confession in Flight. Perhaps it was a Raskolnikov moment even though the pilot saved a plane load of people except one. Did  the film quite earn its ending?

Deeply disturbing the rape/murder of 22 year-old Australian comedian Eurydice Dixon. The Oz Prime Minister Turnball delivered a speech in parliament that no-one could fault in reason nor law nor sentiment. Life, alas, is a jungle, though. And in fairness to policing- where does one focus? You are damned if you do and damned if you don't ! I know that 'strip' of Melbourne, Australia. It is not a frightening part of the jungle. Eurydice wasn't a fool. Wasn't drunk. People walk home at 2am in the morning when they think it's not a problem and to get some air to think. She had just left her boyfriend and indeed texted him when almost home.

Alas: there are human 'raptors', and loner beasts that aren't even worthy of that 'name'. They do not understand 'comedy' nor a 'comedian'. ! If I was a father, I would at least worry that my grown son of 19 was frequenting a McDonalds at 2am in the morning. Then again, the father may not have known that. And maybe thought he was giving his son a long leash to grow up whilst not 'imprisoning' his child in the home.

Where is this going…? let me take a 'breather'…..

I think where I am going with, is this: 'folk' have always wanted me to be 'political', 'opinionated', 'rich', 'poor'. The beau vivant! The 'journalist'. Alors…! The Left Bank, the South Bank, the North Wind, the West Wind….

Honestly: I have always felt much like Elsa in Frozen. I've wanted to create magic and aways to help folk not hinder them. But there are dark forces out there. The human raptors who enjoy nothing but the hunt, the kill, the domination. The co-opting of goodness for darkness.

My heart always lay in movies, the stage, 'Broadway'. It was a medium of telling THE truth that no-one would ever forget. And thereafter could never err from. Novels are, of course…! But the third wall whether of cinema or stage. Then add the music….But I never felt part of an audience, always on my own. Sure to be not alone in that.

One can't change people's minds. (Alas, one can but for worse not better). What these human 'follies' can do, though, is trigger some primordial sense of belonging to a community that isn't to do with self righteousness. A usefulness of self. Whether it be performing on Broadway 8 times a week to acclaim or just milking a cow. 

Even if you prefer to hear the bells from afar….

















The barge she sat in, like a burnish’d throne,
Burned on the water: the poop was beaten gold;
Purple the sails, and so perfumed that
The winds were lovesick with them;






This is the West, sir,....When the legend becomes fact, print the legend. (The Man Who Shot Liberty Valence)



On a parallel coin, there is the totally neglected film The Star Chamber posing an ever present moral conundrum about playing 'God'.



now where was I: oh yes, counting sheep. 1011, 99, 98, 97, 96.............



Posted on June 18, 2018 .