We are back in Trumpdom-merce;)

apologies for the sleeping tiger...

I think he/she morphed into a lion over Halloween.

God help us all!

can I have my legacy plan back please Squarespace? (Thank G. they don't use the word that financial instits always use 'grandfathered'. There was an Oz movie about a man who sued God. Think someone should sue over the denigration of grandfathers as grave matters and not revered elders as in Japan. Jap banks don't use the word 'grandfathered' do they? Matter of principle- that word nowadays might need a Wikidic. My Squarespace only expired 4 days ago. Day One you're famous, Day Five someone says you're the guy who looks like the guy who looks like Dave Letterman robbing the candy from Chloe. Some will get that joke...[think that does need a link otherwise in a month they will all just think I'm crazy again...well that's OK 2]...Actually: I should make OK 2 candy. It'll be like the annual residual of the XMas jingle I never got around to writing. Winterish months- I'll be able to spend the rest of every year in the Caymans as a bona fide resident instead of a legal letterhead!

Are we sure that was 'candy'? In an age where an unproved allegation can lead to...what does an un-supported question lead to: rhetoric? Wikidic again. Consult your inner 'squallop' (Brilliant Adventures Instagram fan joke...)

Speaking of the Caymans- film geeks- what was that film with Gene Hackman based on a Grisham novel?....great film.

USB sticks hidden in 'candy'. Naahh- just another boring script by a Brit who doesn't understand the enduring beauty of Arnie Schwarz and the great American dream. Who could want more from life than candy.

[If you 'tweet' your loved ones as 'polkitical' fodder then all is fair...] A lioness in the marking!

You can see why Colbert never wants to use these jokes can't you? They are: too 'pedigree'. Just won't play unless you have RPM.

Anyone remember Bert? Who says light music is.....






Posted on November 3, 2017 .