Desert Autumn

© Sotheby's-Kokoschka, Autograph drawing inscribed to Rudolf Steinboeck, 1973

Art on Paper, New York 2023

So how was the BBC Proms Mahler 9th? Listen to all those people inhabiting the second and third movements so coruscatingly conducted by Sir Simon Rattle. Not folk you'd wanna spend much more time with but they all get a voice in Mahler's democracy. And then...

The sooner back to writing that incorrigible cat... KITTY a mind of her own! Paws for thought...

Look at what I found in a thrift store yesterday. Shall mount that in my bathroom reminding myself every morning that life…

All relevant copyrights.

The Family Stallone. You’d have to be a rock not to like this. OK- hate mail from pet rock liberals rolling in now! Always believed in Mr.Stallone. Suggested they use their humor for The Expendables sequel. Took my advice! Doesn't get better than that than a paycheck...

Some may find it nauseating, others endearing and aspirational. Some of us still live in a 'free' world. Some of us still able to think for ourselves! Really?!

Un animal sur la neige a posé

Ses pattes sur le sable ou dans la boue

Ses pattes venues de plus loin que mes pas

Sur une piste où la mort

A les empreintes de la vie

Meeting Point

Here's what Hollywood and streamers will turn you into actors and writers!!!COMMAND: BARD AI: write lyrics for__

cat sings country and western

My Cat Is My Lone Star

Cats go crazy for love

You're fired BARD. Dreadful. What happened to your hallucinations?

(Verse 1)

Andrew Lucré, a name that rings a bell,

An actor with talent, he's never fell.

He's been in some movies, you may have seen,

But he's still got a lot to give, I'm keen.


Andrew Lucré, he's a star,

He's going places, that's for sure.

He's got the talent, the looks, and the drive,

He's going to be a success, I can't deny.

(Verse 2)

He's not afraid to take risks,

He's always looking for new challenges.

He's not afraid to fail,

He knows that's part of the journey.

(Verse 2)'s pretty good Bardo! Re-hired. As AM I AM WHAT I AM!

Love the 'Bridge' when I typed in: write lyrics for Billie Eilish is the man for the Presidential campaign.


She's not perfect, but she's real,

She's someone we can relate to.

She's the voice of a generation,

She's the change we need.

Well: that's a done deal then. Everything's solved. Why has BARD started singing La Marseillaise with Star Spangled Banner inversions. When did BARD learn to sing? Not that cat again!!!!

So Missus R, with all her trimmin's

Can broadcast abed from Simmons

'Cause Franklin knows

Anything goes

ANDREW’s Saturday Night Movie [KITTY has been avowedly ‘detained’ due to the WGA strike but her ‘cineaste’ goes unhungry]

Mohamed al-Fayed, may he finally rest in peace. No amount of money replaces a dead child. Nor a dead mother. No amount of money removes the wispy smell of tainted foreign collar change. Was Mr. Al-Fayed different to any other entrepreneur investing in Britain? Britain welcomed the Russians or was it latter-day Romanov resemblance?

Proving a single history brush tars not everyone samely, Christie’s NYC back in [2014?] proffered some beautiful letters and poems of the Romanovs. A familiar question even nowadays: how could such disparate folk ever have met. Let alone…Nonsense. The late Queen Elizabeth II herself spoke of ‘dark forces’. The world ever thus. Suffice to seek beauty again.

Do not panic, as the door may open one day as a greeting to those who go through life with the innocence of children and the ambition of the angels.- Naguib Mahfouz

How a Cairo stray dog embarks on a new life abroad

The Bare Necessities


Notes for a future….

Posted on August 26, 2023 .