no snowflake fits a box...

there's no real context for this -yet-except- i was a thinkin' of absent 'friends'. there were indeed people who could be called -friends.



if the word hope is fast evaporating in your well of loneliness then Senator Cory Booker on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert might help.


and this really did make me smile-it's very New York, well very....comedienne Katie Hannigan's network debut.

Trying desperately to cheer up myself…oh, well- ah-there’s a new doe of my lame deer. Now this girl is brave. Who’s this dude, and she investigates a bit closer eyeballing me. The Erin Brokovich of deer….

I talk to them- Obama still loves you. Guess it’s working….;

Her sister is a bit of a muffin but hey….


Tomorrow Is another day.






Posted on August 7, 2018 .