Always try to keep a patch of sky above your life,

Took me 40 years to inhabit this. And still working up to this, is she the next Lady Gaga or what!

Professor E.O. Wilson died yesterday. Relatively unknown outside science/biology circles although a star within. He was perhaps the first to promulgate the inextricable link/s between earth’s biology/biosphere and almost every other discipline- philosophy, humanities, the cognitive/neuro sciences. A taste here.

Meow, what I want is the ocean.

Out of Print

Wish, really, I could have some sympathy even empathy for the Sackler Family but none occurs. Even less so when one learns that as if opioid profits weren’t enough and museum wing naming rights across the globe, that the family legally bought Metropolitan Museum objects thence selling them back at a profit with stringently stipulated naming rights. How !!!! does it get?! (Patrick Radden Keefe’s book)

Didn’t expect to be so moved or gripped by Dopesick having read all the true-life background. Guess it all harks back to the Greeks where theater attendance was somewhat compulsory as a citizen. Catharsis. Always weird to me how something so artificial could/ can induce such questioning. Such weeping. Such a tomorrow. 

Speaking of Greeks, Patrick Radden Keefe would have made a great scientist. Biologist? Aristotle’s Lagoon shows the philosopher disillusioned with Athens dissecting things in a lagoon many of which were proven true today. Keefe isn’t ever out to prove an agenda. Curiosity never killed this cat. (There is an audio book available).

And while some younger members of the Sackler Family pursue good deeds in the arts they nonetheless have substantial trust funds from Oxycontin profits. It is never fair nor just for the sins of forefathers to forever be bestowed on the children. But when none speak out is silence ever a virtue? Family money from the opium trade created an opportunity for one President who did good. Is it morally reprehensible to use oft tainted money to fund life-boats? Media always makes assumptions that the spouse of jailed financiers must have known something. Hello! Since when…what planet are you from!?

The verdict is falling soon on Elizabeth Holmes. The 2019 documentary premise is refreshing that the no great inventor or visionary always got it right, citing Edison. America’s had many pioneers, but in Thoreau’s words many lead lives of quiet desperation. The lost souls that weren’t born thus.

What is Kitty watching tonight? What merriment is the queen pursuing tonight?

It ain’t the size of a ship that makes you sea sick. It’s the waves in the ocean. It ain’t the man who runs the fastest, but the man who endures to the end. So I know if water fall on a rock for long enough, it is breaking.

Andrew knows never. A door. She’ll walk in. Once une jouissance. Elly Stone some very long time ago, who extolled the virtues of MDA. So who are you to judge. Me, the kid who knew nothing!

Who am I to stop my dear creature listening to Lacan. ’rrrrrrrrrr

A reminder, loads of fascinating Broadway/TV tales and gossip garnered from the Covid years still freely available on Stars in the House. They’ve raised over $1 million, grass roots contributors, for The Actors Fund. Great Covid advice from their latest pre-Christmas eps. Perhaps an alternative for those, for whatever reason, resist vaccination. Alas that is nor a choice for a Broadway performer. Half the shows had to cancel this holiday season due to positive cast cases. Then there are the opera/theater dilemmas in Europe. Being Peter Sellers in Being There never looked so inviting. Making my way though Simon Beaufoy’s Trust. Whoah, never mind the…marvel at the direction and cinematography. Danny Boyle directing eps 1-3.

Sofa cats and dogs. Underrated philosophers?

[and if you ever need some cheering up no matter what the season then John Pizzarelli is your go to. Alas, I can’t possibly compete but methinks the crazy creatures out there who gravitate to a Brilliant Adventure, currently not even found on PBS, will find solace that we, so far, are still all on the same planet. Strange how 75% of the popular song repertoire is about Take a sad song and make it better. How do humans do that?]

A scene in Succession that nailed all this. Or was it plastered. When Kendall Roy manifests his OTT birthday party. Pink womb entry tunnel ’n all. The kid who can buy anything and everything. Almost. All these things. Sometimes exquisite. His assistant lumbered with selling on Ebay the dozens and dozens of vintage lunchboxes now co-habiting her apartment. Discarded as an idea by her boss. Kendall out of it. Disillusioned. Relinquishing his head to the lap and blanket of media enemy daughter girlfriend. How good does it ever get?

Where two souls once met…

Only too fast our time dwindled away

I did not dare unveil my face to you

But I did show my soul to the light.

O'er thee, like thine own sea birds
I'll circle without rest
For me earth holds no corner
To build a lasting nest.


So, coming soon on the Creature Channel: I Can Scent This Animal. How’s Jewel and Betty Buckley as fins/fur in the face! Snoop Dog as the ‘golden bone’. 


Chance. Not exactly a double bill with Star Chamber. Same page.

Ramy, same planet.

Jon Stewar t, same library;)

Difficult People, definitely not the same cafe! Maybe the after-party, after the yellow-red carpet. 


This Way Up. Melancholy, cats-at-sea who care, paws on the helm, honey-don’t bother depressed creatures, healing. Seeing double (all that medicinal sea-rum): Aisling ‘Tina’ Bea ‘Fey’.

Ext. Zoo. Stupid contract cleaner sticks his arm through rare tiger cage.

Such is captivity. [sounds better, Northern Irish brogue. Ney, teeth.] Such is life. 

You’d think: Zoo Land 10.

[Stephen Colbert: End scene.]


Fascinating American injustice re-appraisal of Ethel Rosenberg who was sent to the electric chair with her husband Julius.

They dined on mince, and slices of quince,

   Which they ate with a runcible spoon;

And hand in hand, on the edge of the sand,

   They danced by the light of the moon,

             The moon,

             The moon,

They danced by the light of the moon.

Marilyn Bergman (1925-2022)


Posted on December 28, 2021 .