What is wrong with everyone.....

Samanthe Bee what have you done now? ! :) (those un/lucky enough to have paid me $524.97 for the 'First Look' original of these posts- nah…you'll get lucky. Trust me). Come on Kevin Spacey. I'll take your money. Everyone else did in Hollywood. It's probably tax deductible and the same as a night in a cheap hotel by yourself;) Hey: you could be with ME!!!!

Wahn, wahn, wahn….

You heard it hear first:  the First Lady is having a Donald Trump hair piece specially constricted by Madame Tussauds for next year's Washington Correspondents' Dinner. Sarah Huckabee Sanders didn't exactly prove a 'popular date' this year.  N'er mind, as The President says, nothing exceeds but excess. And we gotta trust the guy, I mean he is the President of the United States of America.

First Lady Melania Trump proved on Colbert's The Late Show several times she could do comedy. Sure beats sitting through Broadway auditions with clean-shaven men and women singing from the 'Annie' songbook with absolutely no sense of orphan…..

Tony Awards this week. Haven't seen anything. No-one to go with….could I be a judge next year? Like I haven't got some Broadway blood in me….not yet sucked all out by the mosquitoes coming to NY to holiday from the cold in Miami...seek and ye shall find…

Amazing that Glenda Jackson is up there on stage. 23 years in British politics and an acting career second to none. Puts everyone in their place including the wonderful Mandy Patinkin (Use your vote!)

Millenial kids (nor indeed American adults , why would they) know just how brave was Glenda Jackson and her MP colleague in arms Clare Short standing their ground against a Labour government they fought so hard to elect in the UK. Guts and nerve Mr. Sennett, oh my! One thing to swim upstream in America with a flotilla of sea creatures against a united opposition. Another entirely to take on the government one fought for all one's life. It was a national battleground against a foreign warzone fought by the British government. If that isn't the bitterest irony of politics let alone life….

maybe Scriabin rather than Shostakovich interlude.....

they were sad, sad, frustrating times post 9/11 in Britain. And many, many seriously talented, committed, loving Laborites lost their lives ultimately or at least simply lost the will to carry on.

Now President Trump singing I've grown accustomed to her face would be worth a first look, wouldn't it? :) Sure beats gay men (of the 80's….!…f course) who couldn't tell the difference from above.

Nathan Lane was always a shop-window guy carefully perusing the 'beauty' before a 'goody bag'. (was that OK….?) Little did he know about Evening Primrose.

Think I need an iguana juice. That's one good thing about Trump's Mexican wall now isn't it? The Iguanas in search of Tennessee Williams (don't disillusion them, or should we…) will get an aerial view of what they are letting themselves into. I guess that comes under pro-choice. N'est pas?


Lying in me, as though it were a white
Stone in the depths of a well, is one
Memory that I cannot, will not, fight:
It is happiness, and it is pain.
Anyone looking straight into my eyes
Could not help seeing it, and could not fail
To become thoughtful, more sad and quiet
Than if he were listening to some tragic tale.

I know the gods changed people into things,
Leaving their consciousness alive and free.
To keep alive the wonder of suffering,
You have been metamorphosed into me.

Anna Akhmatova





As close as I ever get to Facebook Live or anything else, recorded an hour ago. Included the video. But close your eyes and it's a bit something else.

Just' cause I felt like it! And Glenda Jackson's in the audience!

Tryin' to keep it real Anderson Cooper...

Nathan Lane was delayed at customs 'cause his inner iguana got loose. So vamp until ready.....
















Posted on June 1, 2018 .