"Life is where you wait while you're waiting to leave…

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Not wishing to bore you with my aching back or aching feline existence but methinks I found The Kitten's older brother/sister from last year's litter. What I didn't disclose was that 'Moma' is an orange tabby! Now get this. Kitten 2 (working backwards) is by all appearances black and white. But on the rear right flank is a 'tattoo' of tabby! Is this DNA's cruel joke? Like an orange eyepatch, or a paw or the nape of the …anything else? So seems an after thought. Then again, maybe the Scottish clan weighing in here. Don't you ever forget 'MOMA'! Like a butt in your face to male DNA dominance?! You don't get it all! Maybe these cats are driving me crazy. Now I get to know them I'm gonna have to build like separate cat-houses for the winter otherwise the clans will cause havoc in my garden. Let a kitten in your life….

Whatever happened to…Emily Dickinson, Gustav Mahler, John Pizzarelli, squirrels rapping like Elvis, dancing porcupines…everyone now…is the Best in Show's graduating clarrrrsssss! Whatever happened to….

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Posted on September 4, 2020 .