tell me stories. they don't have to be true...

What’s funny Mr Seinfeld? What was ever funny? As you you very well well know: the truth. Dave Letterman is LOL at the sparrows on his window mid-Feb. When you have the balls hijacking the Oval Office getting the President of the United States to admit that being 'Pres' is not all it’s orthopedically up to be. Nor is real life- as this President knows only too well. 

Moi has a lot of truth to tell- ‘funny’- it could be and really should be. I’m pissed off as hell that my bank won’t give me my money. It is MY money. So I am legally entitled to do what I want with it. Buy 1 million Seinfeld DVDs! Another story. It got me thinking, though, in a very unusual Amy Schumer way (wasn’t Amy great in the Broadway musical Nine;), or was it Fiddler in the Roof..! Who knew the Italian/Presbyterian/whatnot/was be..) Buy a million DVD’s of Trainwreck. THAT is funny (how much did you 'Martymail' The Martian crowd to win so to loose and stay funny..?). The Big Short is the total 'arse' surprise of the year! Who knew that that sordid total pile of human 'creep' could be made entertaining albeit understandable. i.e. derivatives and CD O my G’s made total excremated lively. Who knew. And their handlers ..(Letterman pause/grin/slight shrug...)

Oh’re fine Mssr Colbert: Mmmm Dave loves washing down the yachts at the marina- he is so so grateful for the um..- yacht-mail;) Who needs tinder when you have sail? ! It’s just a question..valid ? ! 

have you ever looked in the window of one of those canine child ‘learning centers’ and seen one poor pooch up close and personally rear view visioning the other? That is sort of The Big Short synopsis? Though not as wholesome and ..umm..loving? Steve Carell is the undercover Schopenhaur of such. Moviewise. But that’s NOT Steve. That’s a pooch. Reality check.

Why am I doing this? People-stupid people-getting me angry without coffee and without fast cars! Was I in a very happy mood after watching the 2016 Golden Globes 1.5 months later last night? Isn’t that more fun? On the toilet in Tolkein del Fruego discovering my agent wanted me again after 20years (after winning a Globe in 2016)! Not sure if that was 1996 or 2036 Jane Fonda. Either way you looked 'Brando fruity' amazing. True, true, true.

How to be a super-rich legal pervert. Wrong to single out one out of 1,000's-only the tip of the iceberg of greed.

Bird and Fortune - Subprime Crisis

You totally understand Ricky Gervais’ comedy (GG host) when the world is is totally ummm, full of ffffffffruit! He’s right! In 3 years time when you have no money, no significant other, no work, no….and you very humbly say I won a Golden G..! Do one a give a *^O^Eo975#@$!!! Then that golden knob is very useful for…and getting your life story fictionalized (without you in the role). The prison term is unfortunate given that all the bankers who screwed up one’s wealth went/go/annually merrily to the Hamptons. Ah- wasn’t there a GG winning TV series the FFFF Affair about all that? What do I know- I am TV illiterate. 

Pause while I post this far in case I don’t awake…;) !

I’m havin’ a liitle snooze and will hopefully awake to some freshly squeezed Guava juice by by loyal sparrow Alfred (who is indeed a wee bit always confused)…but so are all we……there’s an event on Sunday dubbed The idea what that is all about…Uccellini be blessed ed

No sparrows this morning Dave L. but a squirrel on my little balcony frozen in pose  (like I never had last night) not knowing quite why- me being a perv watching and avoiding coffee for hot water. Wish the squirrels had more’ grey matter’ to match their….bad offensive squirrel joke. No: seriously. No offense to squirrels but why do they nibble through a faux leather cushion to get to little polymer-filler-whatever squares. G: they are human after all. Doesn’t that just make your heart sink about the ‘creator’. Guess he was having a week like mine. 

No even the Chipmunks were that stupid. (benefit of drrr..welfare...) 

What I was ‘bout to say was that don’t quite agree with Ricky G about the GGs. I mean I do, but it is really nice to win a G spot. Gee- life is so *&*&^$^%$^%- it’s a bit churlish to deprive one of a letter beyond F.) Yeah-that joke is mine you FFFer so you f to f it then f to pay f it:)

Not wishing to put a damper on Sunday’s The Sparrows ceremony, but remember way back when it the Academy called it Les White Doves and talented screenwriters such as Balton Brumbo were ‘bird listed’? A very complex animal kingdom Fheatherwood. Irony that the coveted Cecil B de Mille GG award (that a flu-ridden Tom Hanks introduced this year) is honoring (apart from those living  up to that pedestal) a man who was revered, rejected, rejected, honored, rejected, rejected and then everyone sighed a heave that he’d died and they could recreate the myth. Very few have even seen his greatest triumphs (so deemed failures) oft mentioned on this website.

That same ‘hawk’ academy is who you are receiving your awards from on Sunday.  Well: in fairness, the sins of the fathers should never ever be played out on the sons, daughters and fledglings. 

Ibsen's The Master Builder:

SOLNESS. With the effort to recover something--some experience, which I seemed to have forgotten. But I never had the least inkling of what it could be.

HILDA. You should have tied a knot in your pocket-handkerchief, Mr. Solness.

SOLNESS. In that case, I should simply have had to go racking my brains to discover what the knot could mean.

HILDA. Oh yes, I suppose there are trolls of that kind in the world, too.

SOLNESS. [Rises slowly.] What a good thing it is that you have come to me now.

HILDA. [Looks deeply into his eyes.] Is it a good thing!

SOLNESS. For I have been so lonely here. I have been gazing so helplessly at it all. [In a lower voice.] I must tell you--I have begun to be afraid of the younger generation.

HILDA. [With a little snort of contempt.] Pooh--is the younger generation something to be afraid of?

SOLNESS. It is indeed. And that is why I have locked and barred myself in. [Mysteriously.] I tell you the younger generation will one day come and thunder at my door! They will break in upon me!

HILDA. Then I should say you ought to go out and open the door to the younger generation.

SOLNESS. Open the door?

HILDA. Yes. Let them come in to you on friendly terms, as it were.

SOLNESS. No, no, no! The younger generation--it means retribution, you see. It comes, as if under a new banner, heralding the turn of fortune.

HILDA. [Rises, looks at him, and says with a quivering twitch of her lips.] Can I be of any use to you, Mr. Solness?

SOLNESS. Yes, you can indeed! For you, too, come--under a new banner it seems to me. You marshalled against youth---!

What Does a Parrot Know About PTSD-

Charles Aznavour chante What Makes a Man 1995 - Carnegie Hall


The Danish Girl

Shame on me for not mentioned earlier a photography show that closed today (Feb 27)- Chris Killip. It was the first time since 1988 that this body of work has been exhibited in the United States. In Flagrante are from the north of England 1973-1985 and are astonishingly beautiful, sad and funny. Killip was lucky that he became well-known, exhibited and collected. Many of his generation didn’t. Exquisite beauty.

There were two most extraordinary films this year that really rock your conscious about being in the ‘real’. 

The Wolfpack was a documentary about a family of brothers who had been self-schooled by their parents and had never seen the real world. They had NEVER been allowed out on the street with unarguably the best of intentions. The outcome is debatable. They created an extra-ordinary life for themselves by watching movies. They then created props/costumes etc and re-enacted the scenes. They were ‘un/discovered’ when the eldest went out on the street in New York with a mask on his head and was deemed by normal humans as too ‘weird’, arrested and sent to physiatric counceling. The healing result: he was taught/learnt to use the internet. 

Room is based on a fictional novel and though one would never wish for two humans ever to endure such confinement and degradation, the resulting imagination and sight of a world anew for a child are startlingly disturbingly beautiful. (oops starting to sound like the auto cue for an awards show (except the beautiful)..). In short, both these films jolt you into considering what a construct is our ‘real world’. The world, of course, is definitely real. But is our human construct of it necessarily so?

Kirby Dick came a ‘cropper’ last year with his doc The Hunting Ground about sexual abuse in colleges. The girls who started their campaign are unbelievably naively brave and tenacious to get their cause all the way to the White House in Washington. Unfortunately for respected director Kirby Dick, the trial of his ‘lead subjects’  had just got underway before the Sundance Fest 2015 premiere. And the director’s use of so-called facts was fairly embarrassing. Therein lies the problem for colleges taking action that when a case goes to trial facts are necessary. And the galling problem for the campaign recognizing college rape is that the facts, if there, are quashed and massaged or dragooned into a grey realm. Harvard Law School quite justifiably issued a press release. The campaign for justice by Andrea Pino and Annie Clark…thankfully thunders on!

Not the strangest film of the year by yet certainly the most disconcertingly simple if not politically in/correct. Brooklyn.  The prevalent question at press conferences was whether the film was too much of a coy traditional costume drama.

The film’s novelist Colm Tóibín speaking at the NYFF press conference: A young woman who for some reason she herself doesn’t understand attracts people. People like her. People do things for her..she doesn’t do anything to cause it that’s obvious. Nonetheless, everywhere she goes people trust her…and she radiates this without attempting to do so…when she goes to America still with everyone she meets by some natural good manners, some natural charm, some natural ease to win things for herself, small things…and then make a life for herself. And then be torn...It takes great nerve on the part of a screen writer to stick to that to say actually there is drama in THAT more drama than if you had her meeting her nemesis somehow.

It’s a blessing and maybe never a curse being named Saoirse Ronan. The name pronunciation probably gets very weary on talk shows, but hey: at least people are talking about something higher than, well having your nails done;) Saoirse’s name means freedom in Irish. And the young Saoirse Ronan is one of the brightest stars in the sky since a very long time. One hopes the ‘real’ America doesn’t taint her talents. Is it irony that she is about to star in Arthur Miller’s The Crucible on Broadway? A play that like most Arthur Miller plays could have been written yesterday about the real. 

The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. What is called resignation is confirmed desperation. From the desperate city you go into the desperate country, and have to console yourself with the bravery of minks and muskrats. A stereotyped but unconscious despair is concealed even under what are called the games and amusements of mankind. There is no play in them, for this comes after work. But it is a characteristic of wisdom not to do desperate things.- Thoreau: Walden

“A child's spirit is like a child, you can never catch it by running after it; you must stand still, and, for love, it will soon itself come back.” - Arthur Miller

Inside Out

Tell Me Stories: unreleased demo track 1998: piano/vocal/lyrics/sound recording- © Andrew Lucre

(forgive me for doing that- but you all know why I did. NOT out of arrogance or conceit).

Gave that demo CD to a couple of my world-famous colleagues but I guess they both had other 'tings on their mind.

Ennio Morricone, who has never won an Oscar before or anything in America. Tarantino is right to crow about he being the one to at least win him a Golden Globe for The Hateful Eight. If THAT is not a main theme to hommage just give up and do your nails:)! Every film composer in the world (including John Williams) I'm sure would just stand aside, sit on their hands, kneel and place the Oscar at Morriconi’s feet. An interesting year for Uccellacci e uccellini.


Posted on February 24, 2016 .