Edgar Degas (1834-1917)- detail
Semiramis Building Babylon 1861 Oil on canvas H. 151; W. 258 cm
© RMN-Grand Palais (Musée d'Orsay)
Who knew a 'William Tell' lurked in Wichita..
Norma pleads with the high priest Oroveso (her father) to spare her children (Deh! non volerli vittime / "Please don't make them victims of my fatal error. Please don't cut off such flowering of innocence. Remember that they are as if your blood. Please. Please. Please: have pity for them."). As she prepares to leap into the flames, her lover Pollione (the children's father) is in love once more with her bravery, declaring "your pyre is mine as well. There, a holier and everlasting love will begin"
One of Italy's greatest poets talking not such 'small talk' to his Dad.
Io vivo, dunque spero […]. Noi speriamo sempre e in ciascun momento della nostra vita. Ogni momento è un pensiero, e così ogni momento è in un certo modo un atto di desiderio, e altresì un atto di speranza, atto che benché si possa sempre distinguere logicamente, nondimeno in pratica è ordinariamente un tutt’uno, quasi, con l’atto del desiderio, e la speranza è una quasi stessa, o certo inseparabil, cosa col desiderio.
Tony Bennett & Bill Evans…the truth…history wants a 'pizazz'. Music is silence. Then speak. Then if u dare: move. Then and only after stringent lessons from the cranes.
that being said: I once saw a documentary about a Japanese man who taught homeless/fledgling cranes how to fly. In the way, way back of my mind: was his name- Mr Takahashi? That, truthfully, is all that rests. But the air borne wings....how good does it get for a lost crane...
well: maybe every next year..