Frieze Art Fair Week sans moi...

Frieze Art Fair Week will just have to do without me. I found my true vocation in life (at least for a week until I morph into a crocodile again;)….Saving baby squirrels who have fallen from..? There was this tiny 2inch creature almost invisible in the grass (though ripe for cats and hawks!) as a wheeled by my shopping trolley. Whether he/she thought I was a giant squirrel or a way to safety/home no-one shall ever know. But as I left and gained momentum to my humble abode, it left the grass and began hopping (do squirrels hop or scurry?) after me along the pavement. (At what age do squirrels sprint from humans?) There was not a great tree across the small pavement but one of reasonable size to leap upon. Remember as a kid when you revisited something as an adult. How obvious all now then seems but just wasn't small. What says ‘Disney’ can’t/isn’t reality?

If that wasn’t a cue for a song, what is! I ain’t gonna link to an Alan Menken song….

I’ll be watching you Frieze-ettes:)

Here’s some Frieze NY cookies I baked last year. Can’t beat my sell-by date with no additives.








Was thinking of that baby squirrel and how children see everything in such beauty. The movie industry did chipmunks, they did the forlorne family mouse. Deer. Squirrels someday maybe...? Who needs truth when there is such beauty.












Once upon a time

There was a lonely tree

Lonlier than

She had survived without friends and family

Yet the beauty and envy of all.

One strange day…then…

Once upon a time…









Mothers' Day 2018





Original lyrics to John Lennon's 'In my life' - In My Life - Wikipedia copy.jpg

John Lennon's original handwritten lyrics to the song "In my life", as displayed at the British Library's 2012 exhibition "Writing Britain: from wastelands to wonderlands". A different version of the lyrics features in the final song.
















If that the earth could teem with woman's tears,
Each drop she falls would prove a crocodile.


Borat Syndrome :()...

Somethin' called the Cannes Film Festival goin' on.  I don't know whether to .... or....
















Posted on May 1, 2018 .