Won't you be my …..Ummmmm….

ummmmm….: my significant life-form? (*゚Д゚)

Actress Felicity Huffman was just sentenced to 14 days in prison (plus other non-privileges) "after pleaded guilty in May to conspiring to pay $15,000 to a fake charity that facilitated cheating when her daughter took the SATs." (CNN)

I wouldn't even wish upon my neighbor a prison sentence (hmmm: where am I living now….maybe…). Let alone wife of the revered actor William H. Macy! Seriously. One does have faith in the American judicial system when that happens. Then again, (OK- me not in a mood to go there today…)

Interesting that Ms. Huffman's daughter Sophia stated: "why didn't you believe in me?". That surely resonates with every every student in America. especially in these times.

Here's someone who is unbelievably real, let alone American: Fred Rogers. A wonderful, wonderful documentary last year (2018) about a man who changed and created children's TV was directed by Morgan Neville. Now Mr. Tom Hanks is being feted at the Toronto Film Festival for his acting portrayal of the man. Not seen the film, can't possibly comment. Except: it better be amazing Mr. Tom because Mr. Morgan's doc was ffffffffffing beautiful. That, coming from ME, the guy, who is also very suspicious of the documentary form.

So: where was we thinking until listening to the NPR news….oh yes..: a temp track song for my cacti in my maybe movie with maybe Mr. Arnie Schwarzenegger. Maybe not so temp…

Who says dreams can't come true in America. I've listened to everything you ever said Mr Warren Buffett. Even those of the fast food 'Scottish' company still run by descendants of …:) Better not make a joke there with a gal named Mel and a guy named Wallace;) ..I knew I was being scammed though when my breakfast McSausage burrito for $1.09 I bought going to the morning gym increased to $1.39 at an unfamiliar dispensary. I calculated that compound interest….



Posted on September 13, 2019 .