Spring can really hang you up the most.

Sad news story about all those crew members stranded on cruise ships across the seas.

The cast of the Broadway musical Jagged Little Pill gets together tonight (May 19, 8pm) with Alanis Morissette for a special livestream event.

Kitty: Why ain't I in your movie?
Andrew: If Beckett had wanted a cat to fall from the sky singing ‘country and western’ then he would have written that! Anyway, existentialism isn't really your bag.
Kitty: Been practicing my Hamlet:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The woofs and hooves of outrageous fortune,
Or to take Claws against a Sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them:

You could always let the cat out of the bag! Like those weird opera productions you watch.
Andrew: They're not weird, they allow one to think and hear more clearly.
[Kitty is thinking]
If I let you on set you have to promise not to sing any Andrew Lloyd Webber or 'country and western' or..
Kitty: Wadda about Mozart?
Andrew: [slightly exasperated, withering look]…well maybe over the final credits. But NOT ON SET! [he thinks]
Maybe you could be assistant director and a stand-in for 'Mother Goose', she gets a bit temperamental this time of year. I'll talk to the geese tomorrow. They really don't like outsiders on set, though.

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photo-andrew lucre

Kitty-script-May 19, 2020.jpg

t,b, c"t

I know that embracing the sadness is not a crowd-pleasing ad/viral message. Now. But some of the greatest sadnesses bring us ultimately the greatest joy and furtherest hope. Thinking of Charles Chaplin's Limelight, that he may never have made if if weren't for the Communist witch hunt and his ostracisation from America to Europe. Of Fellini's ending to La Strada- we are but grains of sand…of ‘Rosebud’ that held all the petals in the palm of a hand…and yet
Michelangelo's Pietà, the only piece he ever signed.

The sadness of ‘Gatsby’. Of Proust. One would never wish sadness upon anyone. Some do. Perhaps some many. Some, so cruel. But we dream in with and against the wind and the rain.
For we will never walk.


Posted on May 19, 2020 .