"What should I be but just what I am?”

The past is the present, isn't it? It's the future, too. We all try to lie out of that but life won't let us.

Brian Cox and Patricia Clarkson. What makes me think that is just destined for Broadway and Tonys. So out of space. Out of time. Yet always present.

Once chatted with a great director about where Eugene O’Neill rested amongst Arthur Miller and Tennessee Williams. We discussed the last line of Streetcar. O’Neill never a minimalist writer. Something though about his Deleuze baroque folds of space, movement and time always fascinating. One then reminded of Bernard-Marie Koltès' plays- also once the go-to French Shakespeare translator.

Ah, another world...another audience…

human speech is like a cracked kettle, on which we hammer out tunes to make the bears dance when we long to touch the stars to tears.


This so inspiring to kittens, who’d a-thought at 6months they’d be thinking of NASA cats in space and feline alternates to Elon Musk! Uh oh...

Was Linda attending meetings of the Cat Protection League hence her bowtie? [You'll figure it out eventually dear readers...]

Does Vaughan-Williams' Serenade to Music remind you of a famous Sharon Stone/Jerry Goldsmith movie score? [still think J.G. was a bit of a genius btw, he banged kitchen pots and pans for his 1968 Planet of the Apes] Rachmaninoff played in the first half of the concert as soloist in his Second Piano Concerto and apparently wept when hearing the premiere of Vaughan-Williams’ Serenade to Music.

Didn't know Sharon Stone and art critic Jerry Saltz were 'besties'. Jerry and Andrew meet in stairwells of landmark museums colluding how best to interrogate the architecture. Or was that dreaming Sharon Stone?

Group of women sue Texas over abortion law's narrow medical exemptions

Once upon a time in….

Anne Boyer resigns as NYT Magazine poetry editor.

Israel-Hamas War: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

The Balfour Declaration

Does history always repeat itself? Are lessons ever learned?

How a formidable reputation is forever horrifically haunted. 

Elsewhere in the world, life goes on or tries: ANDREW’s Saturday Night Movie [KITTY is filming on location]

One of if not the saddest documentary mystery you’ll ever see: Dreams of A Life

No judgement. One of life’s tragedies that should have been avoided but life wouldn’t allow. One interviewee kindly reflective: “Joyce died alone because she wanted to be alone.” Did she? Can one be both alone and together? The phone call taken or no. The transport taken or not. The road less travelled. Life’s serendipitous nature. Director Carol Morley has more food for thought in her latest, Typist Artist Pirate King.

Unfortunately it is difficult to find an audience for plays about grief.

Promise some comedy links to come for the holidays….

Grétry: Zemira e Azor

Rajendra Ramoon Mahara inspires a new opera generation

Renée Fleming reflects

And the sanctuary thought KITTY mad! Yo me, me, me-ow, Yo me!

So much pain in the world, now more than ever. Galling to read that more young dancers at British ballet schools have bravely come forward over body shaming. My weight over the decades has bounced everywhere. Trouble’s looming when marking the Whiskey bottle in the morning convinces that you’re drinking less. Uh huh! Decades ago, hardly a youngster, I took up ballet again to stop the worm eating away. After first class my T-shirt reeked of alcohol. If I can smell it….! Long story with a sort of happy ending. You’ll have to buy the book;) Always open to offers publishers….And still no Teetotaler! Even had a caring acupuncturist say, well maybe that’s what you need. The the not the tea;) 

Little Miss Sunshine comes to mind. We all know life itself for the most part is difficult. Needn’t be yet so many humans have/do/will make it so. Where can we nice folk live Johann Hari!? Doesn’t needs be The Truman Show

Young teenagers have enough on their minds without their ballet teachers badgering them. Yes it’s competitive. Yes it’s hard. Yes, yes, yes, but everyone is different. Every body is different. And potentially beautiful if one allows it so. Trying saying YES instead of…Choreographer Mark Morris’ philosophy always seemed from the get go: if you wanna dance then DANCE. FUCK them. Hence his joyous oeuvre


So many folk do indeed spend their lives in “quiet desperation”. All over the world not just Thoreau’s America. Hence Ricky Gervais’ The Office [more of Mr Ricky next month]. That memorable scene when a character is moving to America and someone says to her, ‘well if things don’t work out you’ll always have a job here’, words to that effect. All those Mexicans at the border. Some may??¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿? find happiness. Others, alas, despair. 

Only some hopefuls ever will make it in the ballet world. All sorts of reasons. Give these enthusiastic kids a chance. Not false hope. Simply gentle encouragement and advice for who they are. The outside starts inside. Not what’s dictated by any world.

Felt all all this, kind of needed a Winter coda. Amazing what’s achieved, a few C major notes, ad infinitum used over centuries. The Rose: add right lyrics, somehow, somewhere always will be forever the sun. Once interviewed the mischievous lovely, Alan Bates. He walked his dogs on “pooh hill”. There I jogged. Guess that’s. Still.

As we live the day today, we get lost along the way, 

And somehow we’ve forgotten how to dance.


Posted on November 25, 2023 .