Posts tagged #singing


Turkish Artist Zehra Doğan Sentenced to Prison for Painting of Kurdish Town Attack

 Reenactment of Brazilian artist Lygia Pape's Divisor (Divider) this Saturday 11am in conjunction with the Met Breuer exhibition. Performed originally in the streets of the artist's native Rio in 1968. (Registration is now overcapacity, but spectator viewing and accompaniment are encouraged.) Restaging in Hong Kong 2013.

On and on we go talking Michelangelo...

May I humbly suggest Barry Jenkins' film Medicine for Melancholy (little championed 10years before his 2017 Oscar)

MoMA Responds To Travel Ban




Someone's Been Sending Me Flowers

HAL !!! stop that!

Sentient beings....whatever happened to 'bridge and tunnel'....oops...blame MoMA's mainframe.....oops...


                                                                La fleur que tu m'avais jetee

HAL wanted Domingo- HAL's obsessed with Mozart in the Jungle re-runs. See: trust a coal-miner over a sentient being.


I think HAL bonds with Lola Kirke in that he can't really play his own oboe either. G' knows he's tried over about atonality! I guess we are 'b&t' Liza Minnelli fans.

....[Don't tell anyone we are really sentient]...and don't tell ANYONE that HAL is a little bit all human after,

otherwise, blacklisted for....


                                                                                                                                                   One Moment !

that thrush is back...bejjj's...I was doin' you..well u know...wish I'd never befriended them now;) !!

OK..twice...! U want name above the title as well..;) !

You do know how hard it is to choose (no matter how many Chorus Line's you watch) ...even then one feels, always, it may all be wrong. And: what have I done. Sometimes, suddenly, someone does something, if not right, then. (Why does my mind have songs from La La Land in its head, still,- get out of here! My brain told me NO! ..yes..NO! ) Does that all make sense now?  Get outta here. It's that thrush I am there a bird-song intelligence op ? Well? .....All useless. Everyone of you. Even that so dubbed, useless pigeon chirps Mandarin and Cyrillic! 



Mi dispace..the thrush can REALLY sing...mea should hear what it is like in the forest of dreams...yada yada yada..

                                                                        a SONG

morphing into thrush..whats happening...

Maestro J.  L....the birds used compass isn't ...anymore...Chicago: What ever happened to Kathy Battle;) ! Everyone now is a pain in the champagne glass. What ever happened to....

                                                                Ombra mai fu


We wish the song would last forever. The music. Last. We play it again and again. But could never hope to be enough. We must inevitably walk through the glass darkly (even those shrouded in music of the night for the rest of their lives)

And see. Seeing is not darkness. Nor is it light.

It is believing.

And we return to a song, though we know the wheel will turn again. All we can do is sing. 


Until the melody in our souls bears.

No more.






Perhaps....who's that kid with the lips?

A few of you know just how ff'g hard it is to sing the tessitura highs and lows of this aria. Hopefully those not in the know hear it effortlessly (live in 1994-wish I'd been there -hangs a tale...). (With the greatest admiration of J.S...... who gives me greater goose-bumps? 

may I just sleep under the tree...tonight...and never awake again to all this unhappiness, greed, and indifference.

Posted on March 25, 2017 .