Posts tagged #deer

Andrew in the depths of the 90th floor

Know why I am !!! at the moment? Why he missed your great new Met Chinese exhibition this morning? Andrew invested in NY realty (like they all tell you to do) except in my case, I paid cash so no mortgages. In fact I have two places- that totally sounds like greed – but really isn’t. Because the second I only bought because the roof over my head of the first seemed to about fall through. Within a week I had two properties. No sympathy expected. Just a lot to bite off and chew when realty tisn’t my modus operandi. [This is starting to sound like a New Yorker piece Rory Gilmore: leave that to you..had my 1st by-line when 20-something...can't remember the other 'exhilerating' moment ummm of the umm mind- if there was ever one..;) ]

My second property ‘orphan’ cleaned up akin, not exactly to a million dollars, but certainly she don’t look like an orphan in that street no-more. And I learn’t to grow grass and plant trees and to love and hate trees. And to love and loathe deer. I removed the ‘deer salad breakfast bar’ from my front window. Prior, one 8am morning there was a male 6-pointer 8 foot away and his ‘beau’. He was as startled as me. Post-op. I learnt to admire the limping female with her children. My neighbor informed that she had lasted for year upon year upon year. Last summer in September there she was sitting quietly in a grassy leafy patch. She is so smart. My neighbor: 'she knows it is hunting season'. And there she sat from dawn till dusk. What did she think? Did she feel? Two mortgage-less realty assets. No debts. No credit history. No priors. A self sustaining human deer for six years and no financial intuition wants me to their ‘party’. Thereby hangs a New York tale if ever there was. Debt, the key to American success. The digital debt clock above Union Square. A kind of parody? 'Cause no-one seems to care unless you have a credit card and the card companies make more money if you don't pay on time indebted to them and you lose out on credit score. Moral of that story? Even if you are a winner make sure you get some debt, sorry credit even though you don't need credit-you already WON, otherwise you'll already become a loser with no credit score. Is that a definition of Catch-22?

America doesn’t bail out losers…America was built by bailing out winners by rigging a nation of the winners for the winners by the winners.

99 Homes

Doesn’t the real problem lie in the definition of winning? And the desperate need of so so many (ever fueled by the media) of being seen to win- even though they haven’t really ‘won’ anything? To thine own self be true. (Peer Gynt). Irony being that only self belief leads to success. (There are rare exceptions where others totally believe in one..)-yet there is always the blowing of smoke….and the inevitable...

Everyone’s a winner! Well, clearly everyone is not. But all is relative to themselves and their achievements.


Thereby well hangs a tale. Even a tear - could ever be so lucky in NY? NO: not a tear. Simply a look. A look that could and will kill. The Medusa of your own flesh.

Oh: the Met (or who are those other people MoMA) wouldn't like to buy my Chagall ink/gouche?- a unique dedicated to Alfred Barr (a subtle folded crease (did Chagall make the crease-see how artists can make strange values...but if created by mortals...). Brazen- yes maybe. At least HONEST. Poor people: There are quite a many rich people in New York who are rich but equally poor. Just in a different way. So when the genuine (so hard to tell- like art) in the subway tell their story. Your voice isn't lost. But forever will be if it isn't told in truth. 

Subways Are for Sleeping

Funny! [no not a link to Streisand g' knows you and Omar Sharif oh my..THAT was cinema chemistry-you will find your own link if you care]-YouTube may have taken down the sad sad exquisite'll just have to 'rent' the movie. Like in the old days. Any one remember the old days..?

STREISAND !- you made me forget what I wanted to write !! grrr ...maybe that is all for the better. We'll see...

I found the link!                            searching for ....ummm .      (context...)

and still I have forgotten what I was to write: STREISAND- you just potentially destroyed the next Hemingway! Satisfied! I feel there is a song coming on. But maybe not (Banderas accent). How many celebs (excuse) ARTISTS can I rope into my world unknowingly? Well not not knowing just The music. poetry and stillness of the night is a very strange thing. Do deer dream David Attenborough? Your brother dreamed. And what an immaculate faith healer he was.....

Why am i still alive and lucid? Guess it was meant to be. Tomorrow maybe...

Why James Horner? There are so so many greats out there! He had a soul. Oftentimes, maybe, it was a bit derivative. But you could never ever ever say he had no soul. And THAT is something to be said in Hollywood that is very very very rare. (Did i say that 'mother' could orchestrate in a moment upside down)....Isn't Mel Gibson always upside right-ways;? (Did I just screw your life up agin, also?!-Mr Gibson- what your life would have been if you'd just given it over to the guitar.....thereby hangs a formidable tale;)  U - you're richer enough to save all us mortlings.... but you and I know know why that just won't necessarily happen...

This is so so smaltzy but I just love it. My website my guilty pleasure B.P. , S.S., J.H.. P.A. , : have I forgotten anyone...;) Now' your chance ...the unforgotten, unforgiven., un -a-dance....!!@.......see - BrilliantAdventures Mutual Inc wins both ways inverse/upside down...keychange Jerry...!!!!!!

Smaltzy Inc but...Ricky G. was just crin' down the 'blower to me. How good does THAT get: ? !

Who R WE ????!!! ......

We need J.L. singin' a Blues Ballad- oh y heartless detractors...well ....


                                                                                                                                                                                     The Pelican Brief

                                                                          (please don't take down the clip YouTube-people will see this and want to watch the movie in full!)




Andrew wanted to get people thinking just a little differently about themselves and the world in which they live- and the worlds that they perhaps will never ever know anything about. That was all.

                                                                                       An aim not devoid of merit. 


Posted on March 27, 2017 .