Posts tagged #cats

Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily

Meryl Streep is accepting the Distinguished Achievement Award granted by the Vassar College alumni on Oct 13. Wonder how she’d feel about members of the public or worse students who’d been accused of actions by campus security but could not even get a reply as to what and why! That’s not a rhetorical question! There’s ‘zero tolerance”, OK, but shouldn’t there be ‘zero tolerance” from those wrongly accused? And when campus security clearly lie about such events, one has to be suspicious of their motives and the endgame. That could never happen at Vassar though could it Meryl! 

Watched Sophie’s Choice a year or so ago. First time ever since…An amazing movie and cast. When I mentioned to Vanessa Redgrave, as you do, your performance in Central Park of Taming of the Shrew THAT got her attention. 

Image a liberal arts college in America. What if some miserable sod/s who had nothing in their life except watching people suffer, hunting down those who seemed happy, then made up shit about the lovable campus cat. OK a bit of fur here, there, a slight odor under that bush, yet generally a lovable, intelligent, curious, wonderful creature.

Now, if that cat couldn’t talk who is there to defend the innocent creature? Accused of scratching, biting, an altogether unsavory feline. Utter poop! 

The cat learns to talk. Learns to be a cat-cam. Justice finally commences.

KITTY’s Saturday Night Movie

John Cleese and Eric Idle at Live Talks Los Angeles

KITTY guest programmer for ANDREW’s Weird Wednesday Movie

Feel I needs ‘beef’ this up a biet this ye olde blog as young La Meryl’s in town.

So here’s some ‘meat’ as mine one ‘s Vegetarian neuro receptor s….

Who in the USA has ever heard of Harold Holt. One might say that for some ubiquitous thesps….

The Listeners: History of Wiretapping

When McKinsey comes to town

We shall be safe dilly dilly…has your cat learned to sing

KITTY’S Saturday Night Movie

Let’s go see penguins.

They don’t make movies like that anymore do they Paul Auster?!

A movie reviewed by the real me;)! One rarely can praise lack of actor chemistry in a movie but in Ira Sach’s/Oren Moverman’s Married Life all seems intentionally written, directed, cast such. Here, humans convincing themselves somehow they’ve failed in their lives. Searching now fruition never to flower. Brecht comes to mind.

KITTY et les NOIR chats…:)-

How many ways can you photograph a cat. Turns out 72. 72.

KITTY’s Saturday Night Movie

What do ya do when your ‘inner creature’ is otherwise roaming? Grab some Black Friday streaming deals, of course! Black Lotus, sorry The White Lotus, the former a Sarah Silverman thingy that for some reason took off in Alaska and most probably consumed by Werner Herzog’s bear;) Well…anyway. Moving somewhere…Not so far an unmissable HBO but the casting is sure as hell compulsive. Wanna know where they are goin’. Well, you’re probably into Season 2 and I’m still tryin’ to nail that loose paling into the fence, consulting Tim Berners-Lee wondering why our lives got so #$##*^(&_*. 

A year ago tomorrow, today: La Ménagerie de verre (The Glass Menagerie) -Tennessee Williams-Isabelle Huppert
