Posts tagged #Zebra

Ils se sont éloignés dans un dernier regard...

Social media, the internet. The strange mixed blessing nowadays. One can go without them for days even weeks. One., alas not most. Meltdown. Business can’t function now without such presence. Is that a question? You talk on a talk show and you might just change someone’s life. Even save one. Children will listen.

Inevitably one gets swept up and away in whatever ‘world’ ‘one’ inhabits. Well we are creatures, a poor thing but our own. Nothing exists in isolation. Is that a question? Will the stitching on a couture dress or the wood turnings on a Queen Anne highboy change the world? Most certainly the world changed for those stitching and carving.

ANDREW’s ‘Weird Wednesday Movie Bill’:

Vivarium raised on cinematic tropes galore sculpts its own realm of suburbia sadness and dystopian suckling.

Ammonite would be perfectly OK interesting BBC film fare. This cast and production team, though, raise a true life tale atop the roof. Or, rather a cliff; beneath the sedimentary layers of life both pre-historic and us curious humans, entering the sea as champions not victims. Both DVDs have worthy audio commentary for les ‘geeks’.

Photo © Andrew Lucre 2022


Shireen Abu Akleh (1971-2022)

The Human Factor

Moo Mooversen slowly dying on his bed of straw. Trail-blazing bovine promise never to be buried in stenching disbelief. Moo asked for straw as it was for Verdi’s streets wending quietly after he died. Great art and music of the world’s creatures. A silent noble death.


For those in the Upstate NY area radio station WMHT recently celebrated its 50th anniversary June 8. More ‘populist’ than its NYC companion WQXR and not BBC Radio 3, every presenter sharing insights and most definitely not ‘dumbing down’ to  the listener. Wish I had nothing else to do, just sitting and listening all that day as former presenters wandered down memory lane. Well, Mary Fairchild you made me laugh and cry. No news, no Rob Brown weather at 4pm. No mean feat these steely eyed days. Wish I could have found a companion to Parsifal like you. “Bruckner only wrote 5 symphonies all the same,”- LOL- is that the quote? John Williams’ Star Wars would be ecstatic I’m sure for comparison. Did I mention ….the Rimsky-Korsakov/ Duke Ellington comparison? Never heard that before anywhere? Only on…:)


The sun ‘ll’ come out tomorrow…what an incredible bunch of talented kittens.

Not every love turns to misery.


Take another little piece of my heart, baby. 

The Summer’s wise, she sees the doubts within your eyes… 

There is something about painting. Creating. Moulding. Something that has nothing to do with art auction hype or gallery shakers. Something money can’t buy. Expression. Enlightenment. Empowerment. Rage, disillusionment, disappointment. 

Then again, painting with food is fun! Great publisher Alfred Knopf: if this book sells one copy I’ll eat my hat. Talk about faith and belief! Forget about the Hamptons’ usual troughelles. Teach your significant other try art making of cooking. Could always ‘groom one’}  Now how could anyone object to that! 

Finishing the cat.

Mentioned this ages ago about the missing painting that went to  auction wind as everything else: Eleanor Roosevelt’s house and belongings. Has anything really changed? The found by an amateur who’d spotted a photo and realized that they had the painting that once hung above the fireplace of Ms.Eleanor’s living room. The history is there if you choose to find it. Better still, take the tour! No-one could be disappointed. 

Is it ironic that director Sam Mendes and actor Adrian Lester won a Tony this year for a show I know nothing about? Will watch the Red Carpet interviews. No irony in the me not knowing. 

Company, London, 1996. 

Fledgling Sam Mendes and born at birth to play Bobby in Company, Adrian Lester. You couldn’t get more radical way back when unless casting a singing cat! Like that would ever be on the purr-missable. 

Is there any Stephen Sondheim show that has ever dated? Even Evening Primrose purrs chills, prescience. 

Company, Broadway, 2022

If you treat yourself to a Company ticket, treat yourself to a night at the Citizens Hotel. Check out the bespoke Maya Romanoff wallpaper of Hamilton costume designs in the elevator. Life can be transcendent if only for a moment…

Join the Sierra Boggess tour.

Meow, how could I ever know,

How could I ever know.