Posts tagged #Barbara Walters

…the game’s worthwhile, I really do.

Barbara Walters (September 25, 1929 – December 30, 2022)

Why this creature sheltered in my trash can…but it/him/she enjoyed my apple slices. Gently tipped the bin Day 2. Bon chance.

The Donkey and Equine Haven Rescue

Jenny the Donkey recently did a Zoom interview with KITTY for the Creature Channel:

“Felt so bad at hee-haw’ing on set for the lack of hay. Didn’t know it had doubled in price! Just glad a donkey became part of cinema history, like.” KITTY thought better not to mention Luis Buñuel’s Las Hurdes and upset her.

just SMILE,,,,

And here’s a toast to Anderson Cooper’s….uhhmmm…pickle juice!

Fleishman is in Trouble- a strange meditative visual creature in a world of fast modern streaming vision. Yearning for the old fashioned. A world some of us used to know, now perplexingly adrift in. The much almost self-cliched Jesse Eisenberg here somehow for real. His comedic idiosyncrasies endearing. Docu-drama. Tragedy. Taffy Brodesser-Akner’s original best selling novel and her own screenplay/series adaptation never boring. You can fall asleep, re-orientate again, replay and the sadnesses resonate again. Devil in details. Should I even be in this world? It most isn’t make believe. The upside down city called home.

A contact ‘out of the blue’ liked my Ethan Hawke post. Totally had forgotten about it til now. So still apropos

…a mirror of our most secret thoughts…Without music, life would be a mistake.-Nietzsche

Curious about some old acquaintances found this beautiful footage.

Ballerina Marta Cinta González Saldaña, who had Alzheimer's and died in 2019, listens to Swan Lake.

Things that exist but don’t exist… right there hiding in plain site.

Can one ever makes jokes about climate change? Maybe only ever at one’s expense!

Montecito is 2 hours from Los Angeles and the Golden Globe Awards. Great place for some free booze and shelter! Guess there’s no sur in surreal anymore. Once despaired decades ago that Al Gore was preaching to almost empty cathedrals. 

Oops. It’s Dry January. Could’ve fooled me! Seriously: drink responsibly

Once and Future Arctic Symposium

NOAA annual climate report

Hope the Globes doesn’t all turn out like Jurassic Park with James Cameron eating melted ice-cream recalling his underwater flea circus!

48m ago / 2:08 PM EST

KITTY will now also be wearing a Vivienne Westwood lifejacket from the 1980s.

Perhaps we could postpone that dinner until March 11 Chef Slowik. Then some, may have passed through natural causes. Expand the hors d’oeuvres! Some ‘fox tail' ? 

ANDREW’s Weird Wednesday Movie.

Who doesn’t like a Cheeseburger, Brian ! ?

The Golden Globes 2023….

Moving on, Alaska Daily certainly has my new focus. Coming back to you Velma. Scorsese on acid in the first 5min? Or is that Peckinpah Mean Girls? Animation! Sarah Silverman as Francis of Assisi! What a nice creature to bring home. Which, in fact, she probably is! Give me three sources and I’m happy to publish here come what may. What the fuck do I have to lose any more? Certainly not heaven, though an Interstellar multiverse would be nice. Nietzsche and numerics.

Have I missed anything in the so-called real world last few days enjoying Golden Globes success? Prohibited Che Guevara gnomes in garages? Black Santa Clauses hiding out? 

All the world’s competing talents, books, museums, researchers: the realization that one is nothing more than a grain of sand within a grain of sand within. Yikes! I’m a monad! Cool! The James Webb telescope.

Knew they were coming to save us! Hang in there Nietzsche.

The US government has received over 350 new reports of what the US government terms “unidentified aerial phenomenon,” commonly known as UFOs, since March of 2021.

Branson is well worth a look. That man almost died so many times proving the courage of his convictions. You either feel very small or inspired and very large. I lived through that outrageous British Airways ‘dirty tricks’ campaign against him. So many, many documented details not in the series. Talk about being a face of Britain! When Prince Harry writes stuff in his book Spare- totally believable. One has to ask, why would he make it up? Not one, ‘cause many do, but Prince Harry? Of course, two sides to every story. Just think about it: what would be the point? He’s not vengeful, desperate; simply worn down, tired and fed up! If anyone knows how to move on and get their life together…!

Barry is a brave series. Is innovative brave by definition? Problem with a ‘black comedy’ series where investigative female cop falls in love with acting teacher. Figures it out gets thwacked by the hitman/actor fave student?

THAT’s a brave idea. Initially, perhaps a problem with that pivotal plot scene. Barry never makes fun of the actuality, though. There’s the genius. It’s the characters who screw it all up/or not that makes a ‘show runner’ contented. There’s real life. And there’s real life. A reason Season 4 got commissioned! 

So guess who’s comin’ to dinner March 11? Meow…

The internet. Social media, Opinions over facts. And fighting. ….because I’m not ready to give up. …But, you can still help. …we lingered over black coffee for hours….We think the louder we talk the more we’ll be heard. But nobody’s having the same conversation. We have to get back to that.Being in conversation. Listening. Connecting, With each other. Otherwise we’re all alone. - Alaska Daily

In a real sense all life is inter-related. All men are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny.

-Martin Luther King Jnr.

College of Magic, Cape Town